Ahumada Fraud Sentence Overturned

Argentinian businessman Carlos Ahumada’s fraud conviction overturned by a judge due to expired statute of limitations, canceling prison term and damages payment.

**Argentinian Businessman Carlos Ahumada’s Fraud Conviction Overturned by Judge**

On August 27, 2024, a judge from the Execution of Penal Sanctions Court in Mexico City ruled to cancel the almost two-year prison sentence remaining for Argentinian businessman Carlos Agustín Ahumada Kurtz. The judge, Rubén Manuel Godínez Cerón, decided that the statute of limitations had expired on Ahumada’s fraud charges, thereby voiding the requirement for Ahumada to pay 26 million pesos in damages.

The decision came after a hearing originally scheduled for August 21, 2024, which was postponed to give the city’s legal representatives more time to review the case. Ahumada’s argument for the dismissal was that the fraud charges expired on August 12, 2020, beyond the permissible period for legal pursuit and penalties by the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office.

Historical details of the case reveal that on September 19, 2007, Ahumada was sentenced by the then Superior Court of Justice in the Federal District to five years in prison, a fine of 22,620 pesos, and payment of damages amounting to 28,246,665 pesos for generic and continuous fraud. The charges stemmed from fraudulent activities linked to the Gustavo A. Madero and Tláhuac delegations. Ahumada’s sentence was doubled for fleeing to Argentina, adding up to a total of three years, nine months, and eight days that should have concluded on August 12, 2020.

Before his extradition to Mexico on July 15, 2024, Ahumada had been detained in Argentina after his deportation from Panama on June 7, 2024. Although guarded by Mexican Federal Ministerial Police and Interpol officials throughout the flight back to Mexico, he could not be detained upon arrival due to an existing provisional suspension by the Fourth District Court in Amparo in Mexico City.

Despite the extradition arrangements and the suspension, Ahumada argued successfully in court that the legal timeframe for enforcing his penalties had expired, leading to the cancellation of the remaining prison term and damages payment.

**Additional News on Carlos Ahumada Case**:

Recent reports have shed more light on the extradition procedures and legal proceedings involving Argentinian businessman Carlos Ahumada. Following his extradition from Argentina in mid-July 2024, it was reported that Ahumada’s arrival at Mexico’s Benito Juárez International Airport was meticulously coordinated with both Argentinian and Mexican authorities ensuring the proper handover.

The Federal Crime and Correctional Court 9 of Buenos Aires, responsible for approving the extradition, emphasized procedural transparency and adherence to international protocols. Additionally, the court mandated the return of Ahumada’s personal belongings, which were confiscated during his deportation process from Panama.

Sources close to the case mention that Ahumada’s legal team leveraged previous court rulings and procedural delays to argue successfully for the cancellation of his pending prison term and financial penalties, underscoring the importance of judicial consistency and timely prosecution in international fraud cases.

Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for ongoing updates and in-depth analysis on this developing story.

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