Agua Caliente Bus Upgrade Plan

Agua Caliente route to introduce 140-passenger buses by 2025, aiming to meet high demand. Other cities like New York and San Francisco also upgrading public transport for efficiency and sustainability.

### Plan to Increase High-Capacity Buses on Agua Caliente Route

In 2025, the number of passenger buses on the Agua Caliente route may see an increase, according to Jorge GutiƩrrez Topete, head of the Institute for Sustainable Mobility (Imos). The state official revealed that the current number of transportation units is insufficient to meet passenger demand, leading them to consider high-capacity buses.

“Currently, the buses have a capacity of 100 passengers, and we are planning to introduce buses with a 140-passenger capacity. The idea is to add up to 12 more of these, along with three to ten electric units. If everything aligns as planned, these new units could be operational before the end of the year,” GutiĆ©rrez Topete explained.

The initial project on the Agua Caliente route involved removing the red and black taxis and replacing them with 63 black buses and 21 purple buses designated exclusively for women. Presently, 77 black buses are serving this route.

GutiƩrrez Topete expressed the intention to implement an express service for the new buses, which would only make five major stops instead of the 34 regular stops along the corridor.

After modifying the transportation system, GutiƩrrez Topete observed a significant reduction in traffic congestion on Agua Caliente Boulevard by up to 30%. During peak hours and days with higher passenger demand on the Agua Caliente route, urban-type taxis are deployed to manage the increased user load.

### Secondary News Update: Expanding Public Transportation Solutions

In response to increasing passenger demand, other cities are adopting innovative public transportation solutions. For instance, New York recently announced plans to replace older subway cars with new, high-capacity models that also feature advanced safety and accessibility features. Similarly, San Francisco is exploring the integration of electric buses to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.

These initiatives reflect a broader trend toward modernizing public transit systems to enhance efficiency, passenger comfort, and sustainability. As cities grow and passenger numbers continue to rise, the adoption of high-capacity and environmentally friendly transportation options becomes increasingly crucial.

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